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Talk entitled “Preparation For Tertiary Education”
15 Aug 2015 Hew Gong Qi 文件存於 Filed Under Talk entitled “Preparation For Tertiary Education”

On the 15 of August 2015, ex-students of SMJK Sam Tet organised a talk entitled “Preparation For Tertiary Education”. This talk was mainly prepared for the STPM 2014 graduates who were offered places in the universities. It’s our honour to say that our school “Unit Bimbingan & Kaunseling” was contributing their help in this programme. There were around 33 STPM 2014 graduates attending this programme and 46 former students of Sam Tet Secondary School showed their support byspending their precious time to join this activity. Our school counsellor, Pn Siti Norhafiza led the ceremony by giving a welcoming speech to all those who were present. Those who attended the talk were greatly appreciated. There were several aspects covered in this talk, namely appeal for changing the course and university that are offered, procedures for the application of PTPTN loan and other preparations before starting their tertiary life. An interaction between STPM 2014 graduates and ex-students of Sam Tet Secondary School was held after the talk in order to gain more information on the life in universities. Lastly, this programme came to the end and everything went on smoothly.

我校三德中学中六毕业生于2015年8月15日(星期六)举办了一项命名为“迈向高教前的准备’之讲座。这项讲座着重于在2014年毕业并获取大学深造学额的中六生。此外,我校同侪辅导会也为此讲座帮忙了不少。大约33位2014年中六毕业生参与此项讲座。不仅如此,46位前任三德生也腾出了他们宝贵的时间来出席这讲座。我校的辅导老师,Pn Siti Norhafiza 也为这次讲座给与开幕词并代表我校对于出席此讲座的毕业生,深表感激。在此讲座里,2014年中六毕业生能知晓如何申诉以转换被给予的科系。除此之外,他们也能得知如何申请国家高等教育基金局贷学金。再者,透过此讲座,他们能明白在继续深造前所该做的准备。最后,此讲座在2014年中六毕业生向各学兄学姐咨询有关在大学生活的详情后圆满结束。

Pada 15 Ogos 2015,bekas pelajar SMJK SAM TET telah mengadakan satu taklimat yang bertajuk "persiapan untuk universiti".Taklimat ini disediakan khas kepada pelajar yang telah menerima ijazah STPM 2014 dan dapat meneruskan pelajaran ke universiti.Selain itu,"Kelab Bimbingan dan Kaunseling"juga telah memberi bantuan yang banyak dalam taklimat ini.Terdapat 33pelajar STPM 2014 telah menghadiri taklimat ini.Di samping itu,46 bekas pelajar juga telah menghadiri taklimat ini.Guru Kelab Bimbingan dan kaunseling,Pn. Siti Norhafiza juga telah memberi ucapan perasmian dan mengucap terima kasih kepada para hadirin dengan pihak sekolah.Pelajar-pelajar STPM 2014 juga telah diberitahu cara-cara untuk mohonan penukaan subjek dan cara-cara untuk memohan PTPTN.Taklimat ini berakhir dengan sesi bertanya soalan.

Resources: Hew Gong Qi , Ooi Jia Hui and Lai Kok Lee
Photographer: Chong Chun Keat

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