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Kelab STEM 新闻 News

主席 Chairperson:
秘书 Secretary:
财政 Treasurer :

Persatuan STEM







     Penang Chinese Girls’ High School STEM club aim to cultivate students' computer skills and help them succeed in the blooming fields of the digital age. The main purpose of this club is to provide students with comprehensive computer education, equip them with knowledge and skills in computer programming and data analysis.


     In the STEM Club, members will participate in various interesting and challenging activities. First, they will learn computer programming, including Python, Java and other programming languages, which helps them to develop the ability to write codes and solve problems.


     These can help students build a solid computer foundation and lay a solid foundation for their future careers and academic careers. In addition, the club also encourages students to develop creative thinking and problem-solving skills, so that they can meet the challenges of an increasingly digital society and working environment.