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Chia Jing Ying, Chiew Cheng Yii and Daniel Wong : The Shans Coders
13/11/2017 • School Admin - SMJK SHAN TAO (SABAH) • Filed Under 文件存於 konsert,  • student • SEKOLAH MENENGAH JENIS KEBANGSAAN SHAN TAO 善导国民型中学

Hap Seng D-Code Camp Phase-2: by Chia Jing Ying

                Hap Seng D-code’s back! ‘Coders’ team Shan Tao were one the best teams chosen to participate in the D-Code Phase-2 in April this year which is held at SMK Bandaraya KK. This was the third time that the team had successfully joined the D-code camp since the first camp in September 2015 and the finale in October2016.

The selection round began three months before the camp started where those interested were required to submit a video clip and an essay with the given title. Throughout the four-day camp, students were exposed to a variety of web programming language learning intermediate level. The sessions covered HTML 5,CSS3, jQuery, jQuery mobile, CMS and Database and also an interactive activity about internet awareness. Students must use proper coding languages to ensure the  browsers process and execute the commands correctly. They were trained to equip with foundational knowledge and ability to seek out higher –level concepts in order to follow the trends of modern web development. As relaxation, ice-breaking games were conducted before the sessions started to cheer up the students and enable them to socialise with other teams.

                With the slogan ‘Dare to Dream Big’, students were encouraged to think out of the box in brainstorming ideas to create their own websites. Every teams must submit a website made within three days to be presented to the judges during the closing ceremony. Shan Tao team had come out with the idea of making the school news easily accessible and updated anywhere, anytime which eventually created a website called ‘SMST Cocurricular Site’. Surprisingly, the ability of the team to find a solution for the problem stated and the good presentation had won the top team out of ten participating schools. 

The journey of D-code camp had not ended yet. After undergoing proper training in coding camp, each team was encouraged to complete a five-week website project to be chosen for the finale 2017. Shan Tao team had been working very hard on the a travelling website project called ‘BackpacKING’ to provide quick and summarised info for the self-planned travellers. We hope all the best for the team to make it all the way to finale to achieve greater accomplishment.