今天是阳历 2024 年 05 月 17 日 星期五 农历 四月月 初十 日



The State MSSMPP Athletics meet at Stadium Batu Kawan. We are in charge of the Official Opening and Closing Ceremony again.
The TYT Yang diPertua Negeri presided over the Opening Ceremony. We put up a splendid show.
This is the second year we are asked to organize the two ceremonies ( the first was last year ). The School Brass Band, representatives from the uniformed bodies, the police cadets and the teachers who organized it -- everyone worked very hard for it. Tahniah and Syabas!

本年度槟州MSSPP田径赛于巴都加弯体育场举行. 承蒙槟州州元首莅临主持开幕, 使开幕仪式倍添光彩.
紧接着去年成功的主持开幕及闭幕典礼, 本校再次被委托负起该项重任. 而本校也不负众望, 表现极佳, 也获得再次的肯定. 恭贺所有参与的制服团体及老师们—Syabas!