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Title : How Your Parenting Style May Be Damaging Your Child's Chances of Happiness
Description : Most parents look forward impatiently to the communication with their children and to providing young ones with everything needed for a happy life. Parenting styles play an important role when it comes to the future happiness of a child. The manner in which a parent interacts with a child will have influence over character, self-confidence and positioning in society. Though they are unwilling to, many parents commit mistakes that may damage a child’s chance of happiness. The parenting style of each individual is determining when it comes to the mentality of a young individual. Too Much Discipline Some parents are too harsh with their children. The parenting style is seen as authoritarian. Such parents rely mainly on punishments and rewards to educate their children. Discipline is of key importance and any mistake that the child commits is likely to demand a rather harsh punishment. Though the children of such parents will certainly be very disciplined and organized, they will be deprived of the chance to discover true happiness. The children of authoritarian parents usually lack self-confidence. They are used to being oppressed and controlled by somebody else. Such individuals will have difficulties taking the initiative and making certain decisions. Authoritarian parents crush free will, especially if they rely excessively on punishments. Their children are likely to become apathetic and introverted. Too Much Permissiveness Permissive parents are the opposite of authoritarian parents. They are certain that the happiness of their children should be guaranteed at any cost. Permissive parents are likely to give an approval for everything that their child wishes. They would not oppose child desires, even when these seem to be irrational or potentially harmful in the long term. The children of permissive parents are also likely to experience problems in the future. These people will be used to receiving everything. Life usually functions in a different way. The children of permissive parents will be shocked and extremely disappointed the first time they lose or the first time they are not given what they demand. These individuals will also have problems with authority. Since they are used to getting their way, the children of permissive parents may break regulations in an attempt to achieve personal benefits. Uninvolved Parenting The most problematic parenting style is the uninvolved one. Uninvolved parents seem to have no interest in anything related to their children. They are entirely aloof. Children cannot rely on their guidance, active involvement and support. Uninvolved parenting has the power to interfere with a child’s life and happiness. The children of uninvolved parents will have no self-control. Simultaneously, they may lack self-confidence because of the lack of interest of their parents. The children of uninvolved parents are also likely to have communication and social problems, as they have never had a role model to look up to. Parenting styles are essential when it comes to the future of children. Balance and moderation are of key importance in a child’s upbringing. Parents who are too radical or too liberal risk damaging the fragile individuality that is just getting formed. Use discipline when raising your child, but make sure they have a say as well and that their voice is heard.
File Name : How Your Parenting Style May Be Damaging Your Child's Chances of Happiness.txt
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File Size : 3.42KB
File Category : Document
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Subject : Bahasa Inggeris
Rating : 3 Stars (Click the stars to rate )
Version : 1
Update : Feb 22, 2011
Posted By : School Admin - SMJK YOKE KUAN (SELANGOR)
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