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Title : For Coffee Drinkers !
Description : Drinking a cup of java in the morning has many health benefits. Numerous studies have been conducted in order to find out if coffee really does help in reducing the risk of certain diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. Some of these researches have successfully concluded that coffee does have healing and preventive properties. Listed below are just a few of the health benefits of coffee. Source of Antioxidants. Though fruits are still considered the best source for antioxidants, it’s good to know that the coffee we drink everyday contains antioxidants. The antioxidant present in coffee is called polyphenols. The high levels of antioxidants present in coffee are chlorogenic and caffeic acids. Antioxidants which fight off free radicals or by-products of cells during utilization of oxygen can cause damage to other cells. So drinking a dose of 2-3 cups a day can help in preventing free radical damage of the body and pre-mature aging. The antioxidants found in coffee can be beneficial to diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and type 2 Diabetes. Studies show that coffee has more antioxidant content than tea. Gives a Happy Mood. Drinking coffee in the morning does not only perk you up but can lift your mood. This is caused by large amounts of dopamine in coffee which increases blood pressure and heart rate. Prevents Liver Damage. Having a daily dose of coffee can be beneficial to alcohol drinkers. A study shows that those who drink two to three cups a day are less likely to contract liver cirrhosis which is caused by drinking alcohol. Other causes can also be caused by drugs and chemicals. The research also concluded that caffeine is not the main ingredient in preventing liver cirrhosis since tea which also has caffeine does not prevent the disease. Improves Brain Function. As most us already know, a cup of hot coffee can perk us up in the morning. Moderate doses of coffee which is 2 to 3 cups a day can improve alertness. A study shows that coffee with sugar can be beneficial on cognitive performance and protects the brain against dementia. So, for coffee drinkers today are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease in their older age. Speeds up Metabolism. People who want to lose weight may find drinking coffee daily beneficial. A cup of coffee in the morning can boost metabolism and burn off extra calories. It is a good energy booting drink in the morning before doing the early workout or exercise. It can also burn calories even during at rest. Coffee is also known to have a low calorie content, unless of course without sugar and cream. Relieves Symptoms of Asthma. The caffeine content found in coffee is known to help dilate and open up the airways for those who are suffering from asthma or bronchitis. To help stimulate breathing in people who had recently undergone surgery is sometimes treated with caffeine. Doctors have recommended giving coffee for emergency situations where asthma patients are found to have sudden onset and have no medication for many years.
File Name : For Coffee Drinkers.txt
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File Size : 3.06KB
File Category : Document
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Subject : Bahasa Inggeris
Rating : 3.33 Stars (Click the stars to rate )
Version : 1
Update : Feb 21, 2011
Posted By : School Admin - SMJK YOKE KUAN (SELANGOR)
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Keyword : Knowledge
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