今天是阳历 2024 年 05 月 17 日 星期五 农历 四月月 初十 日


13/12/2010 • School Admin - SMJK YOKE KUAN (SELANGOR) • 


The respectable and admirable ex-principal of SMJK Yoke Kuan, Mr. Chia Kean Hock, had retired with a great honour in 11 July 2010 which fell on Sunday. He had devoted himself to educational for over thirty years and hold the post of the principal of SMJK Yoke Kuan for a tenure of nine years. Two day before his retirement, the school authorities had organised a formal ceremony to bid farewell to him. On that morning, our school authorities felt very appreciative for the guests spend their precious time to attend. At the same time, students of SMJK Yoke Kuan had arranged numerous brilliant and marvelous activities as well as performances on stage to embellish the ceremony in order to show their love and respect to Mr. Chia. Each society took turn to give memento to our beloved principal. All the splendid performances including singing, dancing, marching and even games had made Mr. Chia deeply touch, the whole ambiance was overwhelmed with warm. In epilogue of ceremony, Mr. Chia was seated in a limousine to leave the school. Even student was very sad and swarmed round the limousine to shake hands with our principal. Thus, the ceremony came to a wonderful end.












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