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7. Internet Access Management Tools

Description Product
Each of these functions does not require huge bandwidth especially as most small primary/elementary schools will not require large amounts of web access as many sites will use off-line browsing software. The Online Virtual Library will also reduce off-task browsing. You can speed up the serving of web pages by using a "proxy server". This software can be set up very easily and the best proxy server software is free. We recommend Squid proxy server software.

This software will "trap" most of the web site (that is being downloaded by your system), in the cache temporarily, so that the next time someone asks for that site most of it will come from the cache (a part of the hard drive that has been set aside for this purpose).

By using proxy server software you can eliminate specific sites, cache sites and provide a good record of where students and teachers have been.

Squid Proxy Server
Internet access can be through a modem connected to the file server. The modem can be shared amongst 6-7 machines with reduced access as more users are online at one time. After 5 people are online actively the system will grind to a halt! The recommended software to do this is Wingate http://www.candc1.com/wingate/features.htm
Internet sharing
and firewall
This software allows you to make a copy of a web page or an entire web site. The beauty of this is that the site then sits on your hard drive or your web server and is definitely going to be there when you want it and it will arrive immediately.

Schools can make use of off-line browsers that make a hard copy of the web site and store them on the hard drive of the server. This means that the web site are available whenever you need them and as they are on the server they load very quickly and you are not left wondering whether the information is ever going to arrive. We recommend the off-line browser Web Whacker , Web Zip or Surf Saver

Offline browser

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