今天是阳历 2024 年 05 月 15 日 星期三 农历 四月月 初八日


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6. Internet Access

The number of options for schools to be connected to the Internet depends on where the location of the school are. In larger cities/towns you have access to the web via xDSL, cable, ISDN, satellite as well as the standard modem. With schools now demanding increased access speeds the humble modem is beginning to be phased out and replaced by these other options.

The relative speeds of each of these options is outlined below:

Modem connection ** (56Kbs)
ISDN *** (two channels of 64Kbs)
Cable ***** (512Kbs or 2Mbs with cable modem)
xDSL ***** (up to 6Mbps within 3-5km of exchange)
Satellite *** (up to 3Mbps download only)

If you are going to use anything other than a modem you will require a router to "route" data to the computer that has requested it. A router costs between RM600-RM3000 for school systems. Ensure that the router has sufficient bandwidth for your needs and your expected needs once you have high speed internet access.

The problem with high speed internet access is cost. Because you can download a 5Mb file you tend to do, as do the students. It is imperative that staff and students are aware of the true cost of downloading a 5Mb file and that limits are put in place. In large primary schools/small secondary schools/colleges, 300Mb/month seems to be becoming a standard. This is not sufficient of course, but with the following systems in place you will be able to manage!

The options for internet access are considerable. Schools are beginning to publish data in greater volumes to the internet so we will see a transition towards the requirement for higher speed and greater bandwidth, both into and from the school.

Transmission which limits outward traffic, such as one way satellite services may no longer be suitable and a strategy will need to be in place to make sure this does not become a bottleneck for the school. Other options include cable, xDSL or ISDN rated systems.

You can reduce the amount of access required to the internet by "whacking"; copying web sites onto the file server. This is achieved using "off-line browser" software which is very cheap and easy to use. By copying web sites onto the file server the site will be there when you need it and it will arrive instantly!

However, by copying someone's web site you are breaking copyright. You MUST e-mail the site owner and ask permission to do this. State the time you wish to copy the site for, and do not try and copy databases, search engines or extremely large sites.

Schools requiring higher bandwidth can look at ISDN, broadband or satellite etc. This can be expensive for more remote schools and the costs for each need to be investigated carefully.

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