今天是阳历 2024 年 05 月 15 日 星期三 农历 四月月 初八日


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5. Networking Equipment


To distribute the information from the file sever we recommend a switchable hub (switch) which usually come with 8, 16, 24 or 32 ports. Even in a small school you will need enough "ports" (links to rooms or computers on a network) to allow for additional computers that may be purchased in the future.

Wireless Access

You may hear about wireless access to the file server rather than using cables. Wireless has a range, which is determined by the number of barriers it encounters. Wireless signals do not go through concrete very well or foil backed wall linings.

The range within an open space varies but products on the market provide almost a 100 meters diameter coverage. The classroom will have to be fitted with a "Access-Point" which is connected by cable to the server which may be located somewhere else in the school.

As each computer receives or sends data to the server it takes up some of the available "bandwidth". Systems available at the moment run at a maximum speed of about 11-22 Mb/sec although 55Mb will be available within the next year or two. As each computer sends or receives data it uses some of the bandwidth, just as in a normal network. This may be slower than you are used to but it is improving constantly as greater data rates are achieved.
Schools will still be required to cable to each block or classroom within the foreseeable future.

The main advantage of wireless is that students can use the computers anywhere in the wireless region, without having to be "tethered" to the network. This has considerable advantages for laptop, "palm" or Pocket PC PDA machines. There is no doubt that this technology will be the way to go as schools start to invest in portable technology and flexible curriculum delivery.

You will need to consult a cabling specialist to see how many of these "Access-points" (receiver and transmitter in one package), you need to cover your school adequately. You will also need a wireless "Access Card" in each computer that need to connect to the server. This, at the moment, is the expensive part of the equation. You may wish to cable for this technology when cabling your school, as it will be much cheaper to cable for it now and wait for the technology to reduce in price. At this point in time we suggest that you have a cabling technician evaluate your school for wireless and then place a network and power cable into the roof cavity where they suggest and then it will be there when the technology becomes affordable.

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