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Math & Forms

Javascript & Objects | OnLoad & OnUnLoad | OnMouseOver | Math & Forms | The Date Object | Opening New Browser Windows | Javascript Caveats

Calculate the Square or Square Root

This example illustrates a little of Javascript's mathematical abilities. It also shows how you can use a form for input/output with Javascript without having to submit the form to a server.

Enter a number here:

Press button of function to perform:


The code that lets us create this mini-calculator is:

<form method="POST" 
Enter a number here:  
<input name="number" type="INT" size=10 value="0">  
Press button of function to perform:  
<input name="sqrt" value="SqrRt" type="BUTTON" 
Onclick = 
<input name="square" value="x**2" type="BUTTON" 
Onclick = 
<input name="answer" type="INT" value="0"> <br> 


  1. The HTML <form> tag corresponds to the Javascript form object.
  2. A form element named abc can be accessed through Javascript as form.abc (if the form is given a name, say "stuff" in the <form> tag, this name can also be used to access a form element, e.g., stuff.abc.
  3. The value of some elements, for example of text input elements, can not only be accessed but also changed via form.abc.value. (Again, the form name can be used here if it has one.)
  4. <input name="sqrt" value="SqrRt" type="BUTTON"
    Onclick = "form.answer.value=

    adds a button-type form element named "sqrt" to the form; "SqrRt" is the label of the button. When the button is clicked Javascript takes the value in the form element named "number" (i.e., form.number.value) and passes that number to Math.sqrt, the sqrt method of Javascript's Math object. The value returned is just the square root of the argument. This is then assigned to form.answer.value, setting the value of the "answer" element (input box) in the form.
  5. The Onclick for the button named "square" works similarly, except that it passes the value entered in the form's "number" element to the pow method of the Math object (i.e., to Math.pow). This object takes two arguments and raises the first argument to the power of the second.

Thus a number may be entered into the form's "number" element (the text box labeled "Enter a number here"). When one of the buttons is pressed, the number's square root or square is calculated, depending on which button is pressed. The results of the calculation are displayed in the form's "answer" element (box next to "Result").

With a little more work, you can even create a real Javascript calculator. And here's a page that uses Javascript math methods to convert between decimal and hexadecimal numbers that you might find useful, for example in customizing your page colors.

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