今天是阳历 2024 年 05 月 16 日 星期四 农历 四月月 初九日


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Basic HTML

Transparent Backgrounds

Let's use giftrans to add an image to your homepage with its background removed. We shall give you a .gif file to download for the example, but feel free to download a different .gif file if you prefer. Go to the following address:


hold the mouse over the schoolhouse image at the top of that page, press the right button, and save the file to your folder on your local disk with the default name (school4_logo.gif). Note that in what follows we assume that the file you just saved and your homepage are in the same folder.

Now carry out the steps outlined here to remove the (gray) background from this image, saving it under the original name in your folder. Then go to your homepage file in the same folder and insert the following text at a convenient place (use the mouse to copy and paste):

<img src="school4_logo.gif" hspace="15"
align="left"> Here is an example of some
text that should wrap around the preceding
figure of the schoolhouse.  The align="left"
command says to position the figure to the
left, and the hspace="15" command says to
leave 15 points (there are 72 points in an 
inch) horizontal space around the image.

Save the changes and reload the homepage in the browser; if all is well, you should then have the schoolhouse icon (or another image if you so chose) positioned left, with text wrapped around it on the right and the background of the image should be transparent.

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