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HTML Editors & Translators

Going Further

HTML Editors | HTML Translators | Going Further

If you are serious about Web page development, it will probably be to your advantage to consider purchase of a commercial HTML editing and Web publishing package such as Adobe GoLive, Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver. While you can certainly write HTML without such software, you will find that commercial Web development tools make producing serious Web pages much easier.

However, our experience is that if you are doing serious web development it is important that you be able to edit HTML directly. Sometimes the commercial editors refuse to do what you want, and the only solution is to edit the HTML yourself. However, this is becoming less of a problem with newer versions that are now quite sophisticated.

Alternatively, you should consider the purchase of a shareware editor like HTMLed Pro, or use the newest versions of word processing programs like Microsoft Word, which incorporate HTML editing capability. The following links give a wide variety of shareware products for HTML editing and translating.

Commercial editors like Dreamweaver are typically available for $100 or less with educational discounts.

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