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International English Language Academic Heptathlon 2016
24/07/2016 • Yeong Seng Hoong • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学

On the 21st to 24th of July,our students took part in the “International English Language Academic Heptathlon 2016”. The competition was held in Methodist Girls Secondary School. Foo Yu Heng, Lau Jian Hui, Wong Caayung, Chan Guan Zhou and Lai Zhong Xun represented our school. They won the gold award in the debate challege and Foo Yu Cheng the best debater. Besides that,he also won a gold award in vocabulary challenge while Lau Jian Hui won the gold award in the public speaking challege. Although they needed to compete against 31 cluster schools around Malaysia and four international teams, they were the overall champion of INTELAH 2016.

本校学生于2016年7月21日至24日参加了“International English Language Academic Heptathlon 2016”。该比赛在 “Methodist Girls Secondary School”举办 。胡宇程,刘建辉,黄康荣,陈冠州和黎忠迅在芭莉玛拉老师,唐纯莉老师,华舒淇老师和亚茹娜老师的带领下代表学校参加该比赛。在辩论赛中,他们获得金奖,胡宇程赢得了最佳辩论员。此外,胡宇程也在词汇比赛中赢得了金奖。刘建辉在演讲比赛中获得金奖。即使他们需要于31间学校和4对国际队竞争,但他们不负众望地拿下了全场总冠军。

Pada 21 Julai hingga 24 Julai 2016, pelajar dari SMJK Sam Tet telah menyertai “International English Language Academic Heptathlon 2016”. Pertandingan ini diadakan di SMK Perempuan Methodist. Foo Yu Heng, Lau Jian Hui, Wong Caayung, Chan Guan Zhou dan Lai Zhong Xun mewakili sekolah untuk menyertai pertandingan ini di bawah bimbingan Pn.Parimala a/p Rajaratnam, Pn.Tong Soon Li, Pn.Vasuki a/p Thopla Govender dan Pn.Arunothayam a/p M.K.Retnam. Mereka telah memenangi anugerah emas dalam pertandingan perbahasan dan Foo Yu Cheng telah mendapat pembahas terbaik. Selain itu, Foo Yu Cheng juga mendapat anugerah emas dalam pertandingan tatabahasa. Lau Jian Hui memenangi anugerah emas dalam pertandingan berpidato. Walaupun mereka perlu bertanding dengan 31 sekolah kluster dan 4 pasukan antarabangsa,mereka masih mendapat kejohanan dalam pertandingan ini.

Photos credit to Mr.Lau Swee Mun

Resource: Yip Yu Xin