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20 Nov 2017 School Admin - SMJK CHUNG HWA (SELANGOR, KLANG) 


Our school held a huge carnival at year 2017, August 26th. The time is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. .Sin Chew Daily and the school's staff is the host for the carnival. The host hopes to collect RM 30 00,000 for the school hardware equipment and school activities fund, to give the school's teacher and students a blessing.


➳ 美食、饮料:福州小食,流水冬粉,韩流馆-拉面,摇摇冰,Carls Jr.和Ramli 汉堡包,北海道蛋糕,冰棒,汽水,蓝色海洋,R&B,鸳鸯汽水,A&W float等。

➳ 游戏:水上乐园,气球屋,密室逃脱,宿命(Fate Escape),泡泡等。

➳ 幸运抽奖奖品:电单车,脚车,Canon相机,手机,打印机,酒店住宿礼等。

➳ 其他:医药、护眼检查,余仁生,咖啡粉,精美锁匙圈,蔬菜,白兰氏鸡精,纹身,face art等。

The stalls at the carnival have reached more than 50. There are various types of food, drinks, games and others that has its own specialty. Below are the stalls that were at the carnival:

➼ Food and drinks: Fu zhou snacks, Liu Shui Dong Fen, Carls Jr. and Ramli burger, Hokkaido cakes, ice sticks, soft drinks, blue sea, R&B, A&W float, etc.

➼ Games: water park, bouncing castle, escape room, Fate escape, giant bubble, etc.

➼ Lucky draw prizes: motorcycle, bicycle, Canon camera, phone, printer, hotel voucher, etc.

➼ Others: medical and eye check, Ey Yan Sang, coffe powder, key chains, vegetables, Brands chicken essence, tattoo, face art, etc.


The principal has announced that through the carnival, our school has collected more than RM700,000 that's been greatly exceeded the expectation and the objective of the principal. The students and teachers are in joy, the blood, sweat, tears and time that everyone gave out in the carnival was paid off as in the form of a numerous amount of money. Now, our school can construct the school hardware equipment and school activities fund.


❄ 图中是在星洲日报关于巴生中华华中情义嘉年华的新闻,里面详细记载了当天嘉年华的一切。在左边是关于嘉年华的简介和其他赞助商所赞助的食物以及物品。在右边是一些校友、老师对学校的评论与鼓励以及当天超过50个摊位会卖出去的食物、物品等。

❄ The picture shows the news from Sin Chew Daily that is about the carnival, it has the details of the carnival. At the left is about the brief introduction of the carnival and the food and products of the sponsors. At right is some comments and encouraging words from the ex-students and teachers to the school and the foods, others, etc. that is selling from the stalls that has the amount of above 50.


Charlotte Chen Zi Shan 1A

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