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课外活动 Co-Curriculum - 协会与俱乐部 Clubs & Societies

Kelab Konsumer 新闻 News

主席 Chairperson:
秘书 Secretary:
财政 Treasurer :

Kelab Pengguna







     Penang Chinese Girls' High School Consumers Association is committed to safeguarding consumer rights and interests, raising students' awareness of consumer rights and sustainable consumption, protecting consumer rights and advocating fair, transparent and ethical market behavior.


     The Institute will provide consumers with information and education about products, services and consumer choices in order to promote sustainable consumption and lifestyles that reduce adverse impacts on the environment. In ordinary meetings, the Institute will share information about the Consumer Institute’s eight major consumer rights, product complaints and introduce consumer departments. In addition, the Consumer Institute also allows members to express their views or opinions, learn from them and absorb knowledge that cannot be learned in textbooks.


     We welcome all those who care about consumer rights and sustainable consumption to join our society and work together to promote the development of consumer protection and socially responsible consumption.