Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Sports 体育

Ping Pong News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Lee Huey Shan 李惠珊
Secretary 秘书: Felicia Loh Xiang Lin 骆歆伶
Treasurer 财政 : Teoh Siang You 张祥佑


恒中乒乓学会是一个注重纪律的运动学会, 其目的是为了提高球员们的体能以及对胜利执着的精神, 也能提高球员们的基本功以及让技术更上一层楼。 在每周的活动中我们将会进行基本功训练。接下来会进行练脚步,多球,体能,发球及接发球等训练。最后就是模拟比赛,让球员们能适应比赛的气氛以及提升他们的抗压能力。


Heng Ee High School Table Tennis Club is a club that is very attentive to discipline. It’s purpose is to improve the players’ physical fitness in line with the spirit of perseverance. Furthermore, the players are trained to improve their basic skills that takes the players to the next level. In our weekly activity, we normally carry out basic skills training. Then, we will have footwork, multi-ball, physical, serve and receive practices. Finally, we will have some mock games which enable players to adapt to the tournament atmosphere. These games train the players to handle a competitive environment.