Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Uniformed Groups 制服团体

St. John Ambulans News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Tang Chee Ming 邓志铭
Secretary 秘书: Lum Jia Yee 林嘉怡
Treasurer 财政 : Goh Yong Chin 吴勇骏


恒毅中学圣约翰救伤队队员以“救人为先,造福社会”为宗旨, 在紧急时刻为人们提供救助, 发挥以人为本的人道精神。除了学习基本的救伤知识及家居护理常识,本队队员也必须参与步操训练以锻炼队员们严守纪律, 并且增进队员们之间的默契。队员们通过如此的训练,不仅能锻炼体魄, 更能培养团队精神,时刻做好准备为人群服务。


St.John Ambulance is formed for the service of mankind, dedicated to the works of humanity and charity for the relief of persons in sickness, distress, suffering or danger, without any distinction of race, class, colour or creed. St. John Ambulance of Heng Ee High School is one of those outstanding uniform bodies. It is undeniably a big, sprawling family, with a strong bond created among the members. Besides enhancing our knowledge of basic first aid and health care, discipline is instilled upon us through footdrill, and members are trained to face challenges positively. From this, and through close cooperation of all members, we have built a strong team spirit. Therefore, we are always ready to contribute to the society!