Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Uniformed Groups 制服团体

Pandu Puteri News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Oi Jian Yun 黄笕筠
Secretary 秘书: Yvonne Wong Huey Chi 黄荟慈
Treasurer 财政 : Sophie Tan Zhi Jiun 陈治君




Guiding is a form of activity to learn survival skills that can be applied to daily lives. These Girl Guides are able to express their talent but also serve and improve the community by doing community work and helping others in need. Girl Guides are trained to become leaders in the future and also get to form a closer bond between fellow sister guides and teachers with each activity or camp. The highest achievement of guiding is also known as Queen Guide. Through the process of becoming a Queen Guide, the girls can learn to be independent. Heng Ee Girl Guides wants nothing more than to empower young girls to become confident, succesful women in the future. We are here to show that girls too, can break certain stereotypes!