Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Uniformed Groups 制服团体

Kadet Pertahanan Awam News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Ang Yi Jie 洪意杰
Secretary 秘书: Chrolye Lee 李可儿
Treasurer 财政 : Lee Phing Yuan 李秉芫


恒中学生民防部队给予学生认识急救、消防和救援的技巧,让学生能够掌握此技能并运用于紧急时刻。学生可以通过恒中学生民防部队加强志愿服务的爱国主义精神的各种活动,提高学科水平和合作的基础和精神。在恒中学生民防部队,学生可以培养合作,责任,人性,忠诚,爱学校和国家的精神。学生也可以 发掘和培养学生的精价值观和道德观领导。


Heng Ee Civil Defence Cadet provides students with first aid, firefighting and rscue techniques, which can be used during times of emergency. Through our activities, students can reinforce and enhance their sprit in volunteerism, self-discipline and team spirit. Furthermore, students can develop cooperation, responsibility, humanity, loyalty and school spirit can also be developed. Likewise, leadership values and fine ethics can be instilled and cultivated through these well-planned activities.