Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Uniformed Groups 制服团体

Pengawas Sekolah News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Teo Jing Jie 赵靖杰
Secretary 秘书: Ang En Qi 洪恩琪
Treasurer 财政 : Ooi Shi Yee 黄诗谕




Heng Ee Prefect Board is a highly-disciplined student body. Our motto “self disciplined for all”, thus the prefects always strive to master themselves and uphold healthy team spirit and disclipline, in order to serve the school, teachers, students and the general public. Heng Ee Prefect Board is highly regarded in the school, appreciated by teachers and students alike. We are strict in our standards, each member undergoing careful selection, teacher recommendations etc. Therefore, the Prefect Board members are the cream of the crop, role models and the leaders of the student body. The board strives to assist the school in maintaining order and discipline, improving the students self-cultivation in mind, body and soul as well as upholding the school’s reputation.