Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Clubs & Societies 协会与俱乐部

Persatuan Tingkatan Enam News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Loh Hui Lu 骆慧律
Secretary 秘书: Leang Mun Thi 练缦缇
Treasurer 财政 : Teh Kah Yin 郑嘉盈




Heng Ee Sixth Form Society is like a big family of all Form Six students. At the age of 18, we are at the crossroad. We face a lot of challenges and need to make a lot of decision. Sixth Form Society not only helps our members to adapt to the Form Six’s life, but also makes our members more ready for university’s life. Our society conducts activities for the members to gain experiences. Platforms are given for us to showcase our personal talents.